twenty twenty one hairdo with E3

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Hello fellow potatoes. 

It's been a long 2 years journey with E3 Masjid Jamek. I've been going there ever since I started working and honestly it's easy to track but not with the amount of hairstyles and colour I've changed. 

I must admit I'm not the most ambitious person when it comes to changing my hair colour - I hardly divert from brown or red. However, I'm amazed how my hair would turn out differently than I imagined it to be and like it every time when I visit. 

I'm lucky that this time I was able to visit right before MCO 2.0 and got my hair done in 4 hours (that was the fastest time I ever got my hair done) and this time round is my favourite hairdo of all times. 

As the pandemic is still ongoing strong (T_T) in Malaysia, I wanted something that is manageable and doesn't require much maintenance just in case we go through another lockdown again. I wanted my hair to have a clean and healthy look. 

Thanks to Jeff this time, I was able to achieve the hairdo I want. 

That was the last day I had a full day outside and I'm so glad that I had this done before a total lockdown once again :'( But it's all for the better. 

(p/s: don't bash for doing my hair during the pandemic okay, it was a last fix T_T) 

Few weeks have passed and I'm still loving my hairdo - it's manageable on normal days and I can easily fix it up when I feel *fancy* at home :D Especially loving it that it has maintained the same till CNY!

Just more vain pictures of self ft Hejau's sugar cane matcha which I'm craving right now. 

To book an appointment, contact them on their Facebook page // 03-2072 2888

Hope you enjoy reading this post!

d i s c l a i m e r : 
treatment is given to me for a review. this review is 100% based on my personal honest review after testing the products and not paid to be forged.  

Till then, 


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