p o t a t o - c o n t e n t  c r e a t o r 

Hello! If you're in this page you must wondering who I am, or a friend that has already know but wanna see how I explain myself. Well, hey, here I am! XD

To start off, my name is Edlyn Heng and I was born and raised in Johor. My birthday is on 15th April if you wanna get me a present. ;) 

I started off my blogging interest by writing my woes back then during high school that got me to continue my *flips hair* potato-ish contents. I write purely because I love writing contents, hence why I am here introducing. Thank you for reading my blog :) 

When I got into university in KL, life was very different from what I had in Johor. It was something new. I got more and more interested in reading people's blogs and also enhancing my own interest in continuing my old sweet blog. My platform is a very very small one, but I'm just glad that I'm keeping this running for memories, to keep myself sane and happy as well. 

Oh and if you're wondering why I kept calling myself a potato, it has been a nickname for me since I was in high school. I am always the blur one among my friends throughout the years and even till now. Hence I keep this nickname dear to me and trademarking in a little :p 

I hope you enjoy reading my contents and benefit from there too. If there's anything you would like to discuss with me, feel free to contact me through any of my social platforms!

Meanwhile, let me leave my email here : edlynheng@gmail.com 

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