ED-iary 2 : Hiatus

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Hello everyone! :) 

I've drafted this for about 2/3 weeks ago so.. It's a little draggy but you can choose to skip this post. Once again, this diary post is for me to read back and reminisce. Somehow :p

So it was one lovely and tiring weekend back in JB. I was able to spend more time with my grandma and also to deal with my friends' super impromptu meet up, but that's what they always do. ~.~

Not to mention that I brought 15 packets of otak-otak (otah-otah idk) back from Muar to JB, along with my laptop and camera looking like an aunty walking around the bus station!
Regardless how heavy my bags were, I redeemed my free ice cream and McDonalds (Thank you Line!) and sat one side to finish my ice cream. Such a glutton but ice cream is the key to happiness okay! ~.~

The very first day I reached JB, I had home cooked food then the next day, was called to go out on an impromptu outing.

Me : Eh I'm in JB btw.
Crystal : Really? Eh I meeting Xiaohui, Eugenna, Violet later leh wanna join or not.
Me : Okay lor

I have not met Xiao Hui for TWO FREAKING YEARS because she's studying abroad, so I shouldn't miss this chance to meet her since she's flying off next week. (Which she flew)
Then we reminisce our high school life eating Summer which I did not order anything and I have no idea why .__. But Summer is definitely in most Convent girls' memory because this is the only filling and reasonable food we can get in CS before heading to Omega for tuition in the afternoon every Friday. Now, we don't even see people we know in City Square anymore T_T

Oh ya! Marks and Spencer is finally open in JBCC (next to CS)! With Sephora right next to it *gasp* And apparently 3CE is launching there as well!! 

We had time to spare after that, we went on to watch a movie and apparently it's a very popular one, but we picked that movie because it's just nice screening shows the same time when we reach the cinema. BEST DECISION EVER because I totally love that movie!

It's a called Cafe Waiting Love (等 一个人 咖啡) inspired by 九把刀's novel. Rating this 5/5 because that's how nice it is. If only I know how to read more Chinese characters I would've bought the book by now T-T

So basically, this was just my weekend. 


Beginning of the month of September has been pretty depressing for me. Well, partially. The happy thing is that I finally convinced my mom that I can actually drive myself to school now but of course, I really had to show her that I can actually drive safely.. And on the bad side, my MUET result was like hell to me. 

I expected better and I blame myself for a result like this, ever since the results were out I couldn't believe myself that I actually gotten a band that I've never expected when this is the only paper that I had confidence in. 

Still, I really shouldn't put too much hopes on it.

I felt humiliated, honestly I was on the verge of breaking down. Or I was actually depressed by then. Then I took some time off and head off to JB. I'm grateful that I have friends and family who stood by me and cheered me up. I was sort of a drama queen because it's not the end of the world right? I figured out why I've been acting like this is because 1) I care too much on people's perspective towards me after this 2) I doubt my language ability 3) I really expected better

Even after all this, I don't blame anyone. I don't blame the people in my group. I just thought that at least for once, I can prove myself that I can actually do it right. But no, I ended proving myself wrong. 

It's okay, I'll get back on my feet again and strive for the best in the next test.

I need to believe that I can do it!


Exam is approaching so I'm going on hiatus for about.. two weeks? Hehehe. 

That's all for my post and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Sorry that you have to put up with my rants and actually, it's okay to skip it.....

(No pictures because I couldn't find them, and shall attach them when I've found them)

Till then,
Edlyn :)

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